
Building a better Seattle.


The Carl Haglund Foundation is dedicated to easing the burdens of homelessness and opioid addiction in the Puget Sound region. We believe that all people have a right to clean, safe and affordable housing. Our mission is to fund enterprising documentarians who are willing to produce professional and insightful exposes and short films that will educate the public and thought-leaders. It is our belief that education is the catalyst for change and that publically available documentaries can reveal innovative solutions to homelessness and opioid addiction. 



The Carl Haglund Foundation believes that education is the catalyst for change. To promote understanding of the region’s homelessness problems, the Foundation provides funding to enterprising documentarians who want to produce short, impactful and innovative documentaries that highlight current challenges and potential solutions for our homelessness population.

The Carl Haglund Foundation also provides occasional one-time grants to homeless people in immediate need. Grants may include temporary housing, funding for food and living supplies or job training.



The Carl Haglund Foundation understand the connection between addiction and homelessness. Many of the unsheltered in our communities are fighting terrible addictions. To truly address the homelessness crisis, we need to address the addiction crisis. The Carl Haglund Foundation provides funding to enterprising documentarians who want to produce short, impactful and innovative documentaries that highlight current challenges and potential solutions to the addiction crisis.



The Carl Haglund Foundation advocates for new solutions to address the long-term challenges of homelessness and opioid addiction. Cities and counties are working on these issues, but the problem continues to expand. We need new ideas and creative solutions. Many elected officials, homelessness non-profits and government agencies want to do the right thing but don’t always know what the “right thing” is. The Carl Haglund Foundation provides funding to enterprising documentarians who want to produce short, impactful and innovative documentaries that suggest new ideas to solve the homelessness and opioid crises. 


Carl Haglund is a life-long resident of Seattle, Washington and has spent most of his life advocating for and building affordable housing in the downtown area. Born in 1951, Carl spent his formative years working as gas station attendant, fast-food cook, mill worker and deck hand on fishing boat. During his early 20s, he lived with several friends in an abandoned building while driving a Metro bus. He used the money he saved to buy a gillnetter and tried his hand as a commercial fisherman.

When he was not fishing, Carl started his first construction business in 1976. Carl would purchase older homes and multiplexes and have them moved to different locations around the Puget Sound. Once moved, Carl would completely rehabilitate the building and make affordable living spaces for Seattle’s working class citizens. In 1982, Carl started Columbia Modern Living where he still serves as the company’s president.

In his career Carl has spent millions of dollars refurbishing neglected buildings, creating community safe spaces and developing clean, affordable safe neighborhoods where people of all background can live together. Carl founded the Carl Haglund Foundation in the hopes of furthering those goals.


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